Resources and tips for the self-published author.

Publishing News Roundup Series: Free Speech as the Big Subject of This Year’s Frankfurt Fair

by Maureen Crisp •  October 16, 2017  •   Follow

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The Frankfurt Book Fair was this weekend and the big subject: free speech.

But what is the Frankfurt Book Fair considering free speech? When it comes to traditional book publishers, how much free speech will they allow before setting business standards and regulations for the quality of this free speech? And a that point, is it still free speech? How can we figure this out and find a common ground?


Coming Together With Purpose


It’s Book Expo time…in Frankfurt. The big talking points are…The rise and rise of audio books, Fake News and why books are needed more than ever, and Free Speech.



While the Frankfurt Book Fair is on the Alliance of Independent Authors have the last of their Free Online Fringe conferences this weekend. These conferences are held at the same time as the big book fairs and have a different theme for each one. This time the conference theme is Author Business. These conferences are free and the content stays online. They have live Q and A and lots of chances to get discounts on products and services. This is well worth attending from the comfort of your own chair.


Last weekend New Zealand children’s writers and illustrators got together for their biennial conference where there was much discussion over new trends in publishing. Mid Grade is where its at…. Kathryn Van Beek has a little roundup of great takeaways.


The Independent Book Publishers Association published an update to their members this week on their dialogue with Amazon over third party vendors bidding for control of the buy button on the Amazon storefront. If you missed this bit of news in May, check out their update.


The Romance Bookstore, The Ripped Bodice has released a report on the state of racial diversity in romance publishing. Over the last few years on Twitter it has been common to see MSWL tags asking for Own Voices and P.O.C. stories. This report shows what is happening in publishing in reality. Book Riot has an overview of the report, it makes for sad reading.


This week I came across a great article by Kevin Tumlinson on goal setting in your author business. Do you even make goals? This is worth a read and a good think over. What’s your Mountain is the title of the essay. If you are asked this question in New Zealand it means what landscape has shaped you and is very important in your identity. Goal setting in this context can be just as important to your writer identity.


NaNoWriMo is about to fall upon us. (National Novel Writing Month) November becomes the month of quiet as writers commit to writing a 50,000 word novel. October is prep month. December is editing month. January is agent collapse month as the books pour in. Joanna Penn has a blog post dedicated to the resources you will need if you are attempting this. Even if you are not, you should get your hands on the NaNo Storybundle collection.

In The Craft section,

Genre is world building– Jami Gold – Bookmark
Well motivated villains– Angela Ackerman- Bookmark
Characters misbelief drives plot– Lisa Cron – Bookmark
Are you a real writer– Anne R Allen- Bookmark

In The Marketing Section,

Book Marketing Basics– Molly Greene- Bookmark
Indie Publishing paths– Janice Hardy

To Finish,

Jane Friedman was recently interviewed for the Backmatter podcast by Leanpub. It was a wide ranging interview about aspects of Jane’s career and her thoughts for the future of publishing. Jane reiterated her belief in publishing collectives as a way forward for authors and small publishers. (Long time readers of this blog know what the next sentence is going to be….) I think this is a good idea and I try to highlight different models as I come across them. This week the launch of J L Pawley’s new book, Air Born highlighted another publishing collective. Steampress, a funky Sci Fi/Horror press and the publisher of Air Born, has joined the Eunoia Collective of publishers. This is a group of small New Zealand publishers all doing their own publishing under the Eunoia banner where they can access International Rights selling, translations, Frankfurt Book fair visibility and Film and Television Rights selling. It is a great initiative and a good use of resources and knowhow.


Congratulations Jess!



About Maureen Crisp

Maureen Crisp has been writing her weekly publishing roundups for over seven years. She is a traditionally published children's author as well as indie-published. She lives in New Zealand and is heading the team organising the 4th National Conference of Children's Writers and Illustrators. She is currently trying her hand at writing a children’s book series if she can drag herself away from forever tweaking her Mars novel or obsessing over space.