Resources and tips for the self-published author.

Publishing News Roundup Series: Rank Stripping for Successful Authors on Amazon

by Maureen Crisp •  November 28, 2017  •   Follow

Published in News  •  One comment


You finally get the sales you want. But now you’re getting punished for being successful?

Recently Amazon has been rank stripping authors for being successful. Books that should be on the top of lists are being moved because the authors are considered too successful. This does give smaller authors a chance, but for those authors who just finally made it is this really fair?


Deadlines Deadlines


This week I have been putting all my energy into another project… that has a deadline like an approaching iceberg. Far away it doesn’t look daunting…
While I was flailing, Kris Rusch published this little gem on her blog- It’s not about us. This gives me hope that my ideas will come across even though I feel my writing might get in the way.
I was also struggling with not-being-a-superhero syndrome. At the beginning of the month… I thought sure I can do this big speech and write my NaNo novel. Ummm something has to give… Then I came across this wonderful post and it put this month into perspective. A must read!


Nate Hoffelder always has his fingers on the publishing pulse. This week he looks at how Amazon is rank stripping authors … for the crime of being… successful? Nate also looks at KDP print who have upped their cheap author copies. It could be handy if you are selling at Christmas fairs.


Kristen Tsetsi has a guest post on Jane Friedman’s blog about the choices one has to make to get published.


Publishing Perspectives has an interesting blog on the ASEAN summit in publishing. People down under should be keeping an eye on this emerging market.


Janet Reid answered a letter from an author whose day job company owns everything they create. A lively discussion ensued about how much of your time a company can own… Can they really take ownership of your novels…


A few weeks ago I had to have an author photo taken… I looked at all the different shots and decided they weren’t really me. I was trying to be serious and author-ly.-It didn’t work. It’s Murphy’s law that after you do something the universe will send you the right information.


Along with the picture, I had to write a bio.  Again The Universe provided after the fact, with a great post by Anne R Allen.
Reedsy has a nifty little blog of what should be going in an author media kit  got that in time!

In The Craft Section,

Details in writing– Bookbaby- Bookmark
The conflict box– Bob Mayer- Bookmark
Choose the right sentences- K M Weiland – Bookmark
Rhythm and pacing – Jennie Nash- Bookmark

In The Marketing Section.

The reason branding confuses you– Rachel Thompson- Bookmark
How to get on bestseller lists- Alicia Rades. Bookmark
Indie Author Mistakes– Write to Done- Bookmark

To Finish,

Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi have a comprehensive list of writing tools on their website… You should check it out. The NaNo Storybundle of writing craft books is still available… this is the last week you can get this. I have been enjoying delving into the great books on offer.  Christmas decorations are going up in the shops… so if you are thinking about gifts for writers check these out.  See you next week when I will be sane, the deadline will have been met and it will all be over….




About Maureen Crisp

Maureen Crisp has been writing her weekly publishing roundups for over seven years. She is a traditionally published children's author as well as indie-published. She lives in New Zealand and is heading the team organising the 4th National Conference of Children's Writers and Illustrators. She is currently trying her hand at writing a children’s book series if she can drag herself away from forever tweaking her Mars novel or obsessing over space.