
I have been working on a children’s book. It will be a series of sorts. You see i was raised in a Migrant family. We would migrate from city to city and at times from state to state harvesting different crops. My book chronicles the life of a young migrant boy and all the obstacles he had to overcome. The series is my life experiences. All the way from being left behind when i was real young. To being checked out of school and enrolled in other schools. The bullying. The working in the fields. The family dilemmas. Etc….I am happy to say that ultimately with all that blood shed and sweat I got a full scholarship to St. Edwards University on a College Assistance Migrant Scholarship. I then went to Law School and have been practicing law for 15 years now. I have written two series now but have not found someone to help me make it flow. I also need an illustrator. My goal is to get the book to every school in the nation. Every school has a migrant program.