Hallowed Harvests: Reapers, Gleaners, and Threshers in Western Art and Literature open

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The author is my father, who is a professor at Seattle Pacific University. He has published historical works through Washington State University Press, but now seeks to pursue independent publishing. His special interests relate to agrarian history and sustainability studies. This book grew out of a recent title for WSU Press on northwest agrarian history. Through that work he came to learn more about the important art of Van Gogh, Millet, Monet, Repin, Thomas Hart Benton, and other masters who were preoccupied with harvest and agrarian themes. This manuscript explores their artistic quests using this motif as well as dozens of others down through the centuries whose works also depict these themes.

The manuscript is 105,000 words long in seven chapters with approximately 50 illustrations/images. All will be either royalty free or will have permissions from museums and galleries. The cover design has already been arranged to be completed by someone else I’ve worked with before. We only need interior formatting for this book.