Resources and tips for the self-published author.

Sample Thank You Letters That Help You Get Reviews for Your Book

by Miral Sattar •  November 4, 2015  •   Follow miralsattar

Published in Publishing Tips  •  One comment

One of the easiest ways to get reviews for your book is by asking your readers! A lot of authors often forget this key step.

You don’t want to be one of *those* authors. You know the ones who are incessantly tweeting, over-promoting and basically being one of those jerks whose only purpose is to sell their books.

We all know them. The ones who jump into Twitter chats just to promote their books or spam you with emails.

Here’s a couple of ways you can engage your readers and ask for reviews elegantly. They’re so simple you can do them today.

  • Have a short note at the end of your book asking readers for a review.
  • Setup an author mailing list at the end of the book.

Thank you letter details to add at the end of the book:

Author’s Note
Thank you for joining me in telling the story of [description of your characters or your book]. I hope they touched your soul the same way they touched mine.

If you loved the book and have a minute to spare, I would really appreciate a short review on the page or site where you bought the book. Your help in spreading the word is greatly appreciated. Reviews from readers like you make a huge difference to helping new readers find stories similar to [name of title/name of characters].

*Link to my Amazon page:
*Link to my Barnes & Noble page:
*Link to my  iBooks page:
*Link to my Kobo page:

Thank you!
[Your Name]

p.s. If you’d like to know when my next book comes out and want to receive occasional updates from, then you can sign up for my newsletter here -> [link to newsletter]

About Miral Sattar

Lover of books. CEO & founder of Bibliocrunch. Love storytelling in all its forms. Formerly TIME. I'm a new media entrepreneur who has worked in the media industry for 11 years. My mission is simple – to innovate the publishing industry with technology. My company has been featured in BBC World News, Money Magazine, Bloomberg, Consumer Reports, Forbes, WSJ, MediaBistro, PBS, Columbia Journalism Review, The Next Web, Publishers Weekly, and a bunch of other places. Bibliocrunch was also selected as The Next Big Thing in media by the Paley Center. I also used to run a popular South Asian culture blog called Divanee. Before I ran my own company and became a mom, I used to be on the board for several literacy organizations, and wrote a LOT more. Hopefully, when things are calmer I can go back to that! :)