Resources and tips for the self-published author.

Bibliocrunch Blog

3 Critical Elements for Every Scene

by Auburn Seal  •  September 27, 2016

Published in Publishing Tips  •  No comments

How do eat an elephant? One bite at time. How do you write a novel? One scene at a time. You could actually break that down further and say one sentence at a time, but I like to think in scenes when I sit down for a chunk of time to write. It feels less

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Using Myers-Briggs to Craft Compelling Characters

by Auburn Seal  •  July 12, 2016

Published in Publishing Tips  •  No comments

When creating a character that your reader will connect with and become invested in, it’s important for them to feel like real people with real lives that matter. Do you plot your story first and then add characters to suit? Or maybe you create a character and then build a story around them. Either way works.

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