

Ana Vidal Egea (Spain,1984). I am a Summa Cum Laude PhD in Spanish Philology with a dissertation about the theatre of the playwright Angélica Liddell. Currently I work as a Professor at St Johns University and CUNY University. I also write for magazines such as NEO2 and for the Spanish Edition of the Huffington Post. You can read my articles here. I participate as speaker at conferences, symposia and encounters organized in US and Spain with essays that explore new narratives. I am also Journalist (University Complutense of Madrid-University of Helsinki), poet and writer. I have published a novel “Noches Articas” (Baile del sol, 2011) and a Short-stories book “La otra vida, 18 relatos de amor y miedo” (Traspiés, 2010). I have won several literary awards as “La voz+ joven” by Obra Social Caja Madrid or “Jóvenes talentos Booket” by the Planeta group. In 2010 I moved to Miami, where I worked during two years as Project Coordinator at the Spanish Cultural Center, that belong to the Spanish Agency to Internacional Cooperation to the Development (AECID). There I also have worked as Creative Writing Professor at Miami Dade College. In 2012 I founded Read to React Inc, creative writing consulting and Spanish lessons company.

Books by Ana

Noches Articas

by www.anavidalegea.com

Noches Articas

by www.anavidalegea.com